Australian Culture & Society
M1006 Work & Career in Australia
M1006 Work & Career in Australia

M1006 Work and Career

General Course Infromation

Course Details

Course Code M1006
Course Work and Career
Term SPR SEM 2024
Level 4
Lessons 2
Available for All students

Course Staff

Course Instructor: Andrew Lang

Course Timetable

Students will be noticed when the course is open.

Unit Overview

M1006 Work and Careers in Australia introduce students to two major aspects of working in Australia. In Lesson A, teaching is primarily focused on different types of work types, work conditions, and student porfolios. In Lesson A, students will get to know how to make their portfolio before seeking any jobs, the work or internship during their studies, and employment after they graduate. In Lesson B, the focus switches to careers and career planning in Australia. Students will get to know major sectors of part-time and full-time jobs, and the workspace of Australia. Students will also receive training on career planning, including how to create their own CV, and use it to find a job.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Be familiar with different work types in Australia.
  2. Be familiar with strong and weak part-time and full-time sectors in Australia.
  3. Be familiar with career planning and workplace in Australia.
  4. Have understood work conditions of a student visa
  5. Have undersood internship during their studies, and employment after graduation.
  6. Have developed skills on making academic porfolios.
  7. Have developed skills on creating a CV.

Learning Resouces

This course may include additional learning materials from the instructor. You may find them attached alongside your lesson videos.


Policy on course assessment is based on the following four principles:

  1. Assessment must encourage learning activities and improve learning methods.
  2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
  3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable.
  4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

Assessment Summary

# Task Credit
1 Lesson Video 25
2 Assignments 50
4 Quiz 25

Assessment Detail

Assessment 1: Attendance

Credit: 25

Assessment on attendance is determined by the total viewing duration in a lesson. For example, to get 25 credits, a 40-minute long lesson video requires a minimum viewing duration of 160 minutes.

Assessment 2: Assignments

Credit: 50

Task: You need to complete a total of 10 questions which come in various forms, including but not limited to cloze, multiple choice, or TRUE/FALSE questions. You will have 3 opportunities to answer each question before your final submission.

Assessment 3: Quiz

Credit: 25

Task: You need to complete a total of 20 questions that are either standalone or under reading material(s). You will not have additional opportunities before your final submission.


  • Failure to submit: Failure to fufill course attendance requirements, or unable to submit an assignment or quiz on time may incur a fail grade.
  • Resubmission: of an assignment or a quiz after reworking it to obtain a better mark will not normally be accepted. Approval for resubmission will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds.
  • Appealing a mark or grade: If you are dissatisfied with your mark or grade, you may request for a review from your program coordinator. There must be academic or procedural reasons for your request, so you can’t simply request a re-mark because you are disappointed with your result.

Course Grading

Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

Grade Mark Description
HD 90-100 High Distinction
D 75-89 Distinction
M 61-74 Merit
P 45-60 Pass
F 0-44 Fail
FNS Fail No Submission